Friday, October 17, 2014

Friendships Barrier - Original Page -

Hey, it's Maya and this is a post based on a page I wrote 20 seconds ago called "Friendships Barrier" and it is about, well, just read it suckers...

Maya Hart here on The 99 Problems of Maya Hart. Tonight, I will be discussing friendships, the importance of it and my own story triggering in with the thought of it. So I remember back when I was littler, like 2 months ago and younger. I had friends who could never treat me like the un-importance of how I really, how I've always been. They treated me like a valued member of the group. I was no less important than the others. Now, they all mean more to each other than I do to anyone. They all have extreme value to me and I am 4th or lower on their list of importance. It's horror when your best friend becomes just a friend. It's happened to me, recently. I thought I was important to at least one of them. Boy, was I wrong. Farkle stayed by my side today and asked me what was going on. I told him: "Does it not hurt when the most important person to you, sitting at 1 has put you at 5?" and he was devistated. I saw how bad he felt for me, but from the looks of it, he can't do anything about it and nor do I want him to and he doesn't either. So, then he went and asked the same question to Riley, asked her what is wrong. She told him that he was sticking to me and he didn't pay enough attention to her. He told me on the way back to Riley's house from the park (that's where we were when this happened) and I agreed, he should spend more time with her and I can stay on my own. I agreed, strongly with that. My best friend's pets are more important to her than I am. I am not even kidding, at all. She has a hamster, Kiwi and I see how important to her he is and it made me realize I am not. I never will be again. I never put Ginger ahead of her, heck no. That'd be weird, honestly. I never put my romantic interests ahead of her either. I never went to other people before I went to her. Well, guess what? She did all of that. 100% and it hurts like heck. And Lucas always used to make me feel way better, because he was protective of me and took care of me without getting mad at what happened to me. But when we all woke up this morning, all that...gone. When I was sick, sick like head hurting, stomache aches, ready to throw up, sick. At school today, when I was in pain and I wasn't able to sit up and I was kinda talking sick and all, both Riley and Lucas, against me. This is what Riley said "Stop it complaining, we don't wanna be around it" and Lucas said "Quit making us miserable" and it was really hurtful. The only person who said nothing was Farkle and the only reason for that is because he knew how I felt, being offended and all (I don't know how he knows how I feel and how he's been offended) so that is the only reason he didn't say anything mean, but no he didn't say anything nice either. I thought we were an equal group. Every person counted. Nobody felt bad for more than an hour and nobody hurt anyone intentionally. What has happened to me? Why am I the one who is turned on by everyone? What did I do to deserve this, at all? I don't even know. So, when someone has a valid answer to this question "What did I do to them to make them treat me like I'm not as important as the others?" than type me up a comment and give it to me, as in heck. Give heck to me because there is no reason. No reason at all. So, I challenge anyone who thinks there is a valid reason I am behind everyone else to come up with a reason why I am behind everyone else and if you can't, don't comment me because I TOLD YA SO. So, you think your gonna win this? You keep tellin' yourself that. If you do, I'll be sure to meet up with you in the un-employment line. So, keep up with The 99 Problems of Maya Hart if you can.

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